I found this reading extremely interesting. I personally do not know much about the history of web art, so this was all new information for me. I thought the need for extremism to get viewers' attention and draw people in is still very relevant to web art now and art in general. Artists have to create crazy and out there work just to get people's attention and with the volume of art on the internet, this is even more of the case.
I thought the art itself was so creative and genius. These artists have completely thought outside of the box and paved the way for digital art today and all the different platforms and programs we use now.
After reading the article, I started to explore GIFs, particularly those created by artists and animated in a similar way to what we have practiced in class. I was overwhelmed with how many different artists are out there and the variety of work. I think it is so intriguing that even in 1998 they were struggling to have their art seen and now this is a million times harder.
That being said I do not see much crazy internet art in my daily life, instead, I see much more traditional social media art such as imagery and typography. I wish these artists could display their art in some way to attract more viewers and more traction.